Hi all,
I started using Swisslog when there was only a DOS version and moved on to the Windows version when it became available. Then, at a certain point, when changing computers I ran into a problem, new QSO's were gone after SWL/Windows was restarted. It seems that not running SWL as admin was the problem. When that was adjusted the problem remained, probably because I installed in the programs directory. As I hardly made any QSO's at that time I abandoned SWL.... Later I wanted to try again but failed to get SWL running again so I installed DXlab. I still made few QSO's and never got into the details of DXlab, hardly using it.
In the mean time I tried to get back to SWL but failed to get back on this forum (I had never used the new forum), an email to one of the mods was never answered so again nothing happened for a long time.... until today. I could log back in and have installed SWL on a WIN10 pro PC. It seems to work with the imported database backup I made on the old computer.
Now it's time to get everything else configured again, DX cluster, callsign database, LOTW, Eqsl, transceiver control and so on. Interesting times are coming

I'm sure I'll be back on these forums with questions but it will be nice to return to what is probably one of the best ham packages available.
Happy holidays, all the best for 2020
Maurice, ON4BAM