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RE: Band maps no spot
In order the Spot Life time function works properly, the Add QSO must be opened once during a Swisslog session. I will try to correct this in the next version. this way users not having the Add QSO window open won't have this issue.
But now keep the add QSO open (you can minimize it) and spots will be displayed again on band maps.
By the way, you have to know that you can move the transceiver and rotor tool bars by pressing Shift + mouse left click dragging. I see in the attrached screenshot that the transceiver toolbar overlpas with some buttons. You can move them to the right where you have free space.
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RE: Band maps no spot
Thanks Jordi as you can see from the screenshot that I am attaching the window QSO is strictly open (another monitor) but the posts are not in the band maps.
For the suggestion for the move I have succeeded only for the rotor ..... that I can not use because I have two rotors one x the bands 10,12,21,18,14 and one x 30 and 40m and therefore I have two windows of PstRotator and manually orients the antennas, I asked you if it was possible to have the possibility to command two rotors in SwssLog but I know you're busy on more important things, the rotors can wait ....
Another problem that is found is that some windows at startup do not return to the position at the time of closing, especially entry QSO and propagation I have to put them back in their place manually also happens with other less used windows.
Thanks for your patience.....
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RE: Band maps no spot
It's very strange... Have you checked the Time difference to UTC defined in your My QTH? Also check in the criterions section for band maps that you have checked SSB and Cw modes as minimum! Maybe you don't have any mode checked and that's the reason you don't see any spot.
Regarding the transceiver toolbar, you can do it the same way. You have to keep pressed the shift key and mouse left click in the edges of the toolbar. Sometimes could be critical to select but click on the grey edge around the mode section of toolbar.
I will add support for 2 rotors to the wish list. If you use pstrotator you could use one for Swisslog!
If you are still in problems please contact me directly to my whatsapp number +34656409020 to arrange a Teamviewer session.
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RE: Band maps no spot
Jordi the problem of the spots is occasional, sometimes everything is ok. In the screenshot there I attach all the bands are ok, in the band 14 no spot. It happens that when I restart the program everything works. All settings are the same remain the same.
TNX IK6DLK Fabrizio
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RE: Band maps no spot
It's really curious... it the problem continues the best way will be to delete all band map settings in the SWISSLV5.INI file. Send me your SWISSLV5.INI to do this and I will send you back the INI without the Band Maps settings. Of course you will have to configure again band maps but this way you ensure that all Band Map settings saved in the INI are correct. I have found some cases of corrupted INI and after a cleanup everything worked fine. But because modifying the INI is a delicate operation I prefer to do it myself to avoid corrupting other things.