Hello all,
Swisslog 5.97 uploads QSO to eQSL using the old eQSL method, that is, performing some mode conversions to modes recognised by eQSL. This way Swisslog uploaded QSO in all MFSK submodes (MFSK4, MFSK8, etc) setting MFSK mode. All HELL submodes (FMHELL,HELL80, etc) were uploaded as HELL. All PSK31,63,125 etc modes were uploaded as PSK. Now eQSL recognises correctly all submodes if uploaded in the mode field and converted it automatically to mode-submode combination. This has required a change in the source code of Swisslog to adapt to this new scenario. All users who have uploaded QSOs in realtime or uploading his logbook in any PSK, MFSK or HELL submode (PSK31, PSK63, PSK125, FMHELL, MFSK8, etc) with version 5.97, will have to review these QSO in your eQSL account. You can either:
- Edit every QSO manually in your eQSL account and set the right Mode/Submode combination
- Or Delete every QSO manually in your eQSL account (or by a range of date in http://www.eqsl.cc/QSLCard/DeleteBlockLog.cfm. Only 1777 QSO can be deleted at a time). In this case, once all affected QSO has been deleted you have to clear the content of the eQSL status field in Swisslog:
- Go to View / Logbook view (Selection)
- Select “Status Online Logbooks” in the Logbook folder
- Select all QSO of every affected mode (PSK31, PSK63, etc) and clean the eQSL Status field (right click on any contents of the eQSL Status field, select Edit / Modify all QSO and set a blank).
- After clearing the contents of the eQSL Status field in all affected QSOs upload again your logbook in Tools / eQSL / Upload logbook.
NOW wait until 5.97a is released shortly! SORRY for the inconveniences!!