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RE: Version 5.94 Error After Update
Hello Gus,
As I see you are using the version 6 database in both versions (5 and 6). Your database version number is 0600 which belongs to version 6 which you know was never officially released. This is possible to do but in latest versions I have made important changes in the Swisslog database (new fields and other improvements) that are applied by checking the database version number. Because your database version is higher than the database version used in version 5, your database doesn't implement all the improvements and changes made since I released 5.9.
To use the same database in both versions (v5 and v6) first you have to make sure you use the same SWLCTRY and SWLSTAT.MDB in both versions. You have to send me your database to try to fix this bundle. I have to manually change the database version number to a lower number, open it with v5 to apply all database changes and set again the database version to 0600 if you want to still use it in version 6, otherwise it won't work. There have been a lot of changes in the database since I released version 5.9 and I have to check that everything has been applied correctly. Maybe somethings have been altered. I just want to remember you that I don't recommend the use of version 6 because it has errors (LoTW and QRz access is not working). I know it has some enhanced functions (such s DX message window and logbook views) and my intention is to try to implement these new v6 functions in the future in a brand new Swisslog version. I don't know if I succeed but I will try.
Summing up: send me your database to (Zipped in RAR or ZIP)) and I will try to fix this and send it back to you. But keep in mind that everytime a new version is released you will have the same problem because you database version belongs to version 6 and all database changes won't be applied if not making this manual modification internally. I really suggest you to only use version 5 from now on. Maybe after applying changes the database won't work well in version 6. I can't ensure this but I will try to fix any errors I can find.
If you don't use version 6 please let me know to set the database version to the current version,
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RE: Version 5.94 Error After Update
(17-12-2016, 06:11 PM)EA3GCV Wrote: Hello Gus,
As I see you are using the version 6 database in both versions (5 and 6). Your database version number is 0600 which belongs to version 6 which you know was never officially released. This is possible to do but in latest versions I have made important changes in the Swisslog database (new fields and other improvements) that are applied by checking the database version number. Because your database version is higher than the database version used in version 5, your database doesn't implement all the improvements and changes made since I released 5.9.
To use the same database in both versions (v5 and v6) first you have to make sure you use the same SWLCTRY and SWLSTAT.MDB in both versions. You have to send me your database to try to fix this bundle. I have to manually change the database version number to a lower number, open it with v5 to apply all database changes and set again the database version to 0600 if you want to still use it in version 6, otherwise it won't work. There have been a lot of changes in the database since I released version 5.9 and I have to check that everything has been applied correctly. Maybe somethings have been altered. I just want to remember you that I don't recommend the use of version 6 because it has errors (LoTW and QRz access is not working). I know it has some enhanced functions (such s DX message window and logbook views) and my intention is to try to implement these new v6 functions in the future in a brand new Swisslog version. I don't know if I succeed but I will try.
Summing up: send me your database to (Zipped in RAR or ZIP)) and I will try to fix this and send it back to you. But keep in mind that everytime a new version is released you will have the same problem because you database version belongs to version 6 and all database changes won't be applied if not making this manual modification internally. I really suggest you to only use version 5 from now on. Maybe after applying changes the database won't work well in version 6. I can't ensure this but I will try to fix any errors I can find.
If you don't use version 6 please let me know to set the database version to the current version,
Best 73
Hola Jordi, te contesto en español es mas fácil para mi.
en realidad creo que tienes razón con lo de la versión 6, anoche he guardado una copia de seguridad de swisslog y he borrado y resinstalado la versión 5.94 desde cero, para realizar una instalación limpia; Previamente realice una exportación ADIF de todos los registros, cargue la misma y el programa quedo funcionando correctamente.
El problema es que se perdieron todos los qrg verdaderos, quedando 28000, 7000 etc. también tengo una base mas o menos actualizada con los qrg correctos, pero aun no he podido hacer un merge de l base con la data y las qrg correctas.
Quizá, esa sea la solución para no tener que luchar con la versión 5 en cada actualización.
No tengo inconvenientes en enviarte la base de datos, pero si solo puedo acomodar las qrg tendría todo solucionado.
hace rato que no programo , pero podría intentar generar un código para tratar de corregir las qrg.
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RE: Version 5.94 Error After Update
Hello Gus,
I reply in English so that everybody can understand.
I don't like that users modify by himself the Swisslog database because it's dangerous if you don't know very well what you are touching. However in this case, if you have Microsoft Access use this guideline to fix the version 6 database to be used again in both versions (if not send me your database and I will fix it here):
- Make a copy of your original database to keep a backup version.
- Open the copied DB in Access and open the VERSION table
- Change the VERSION value from 0600 to 0503
- Now open version 5.94 and go to File | Open DB and select this database
- Maybe it will take a while and you will get some messages. Reply all messages with YES
- After all messages are gone close Swisslog
- Open it again. The database version should be 0514
- Close Swisslog then open again with Access the DB. Set the VERSION field in the VERSION table to 0600 again.
- I recommend you to change the database name to a shortest name such as SWLOG_V5.MDB (original name). Version 6 won't change the name because the database version number is 0600 which is recognised by version 6 as a v6 database.
You will be able to use this database in v5 and v6. Check however in both versions that everything is working well. You will have all the digital modes I added in 5.9 and all corrections and improvements applied. Keep in mind that until you leave using version 6, every time a new Swisslog version is released you will have to change the database value to 0514 (the current one), open it with the new version then change again to 0600 to be used by version 6.
Version 6 is not ADIF 3.0.4 compliant. If you export into ADIF from version 6 you have to use a very well defined query to avoid missing something (like the QRG field) when importing again in version 5. If you perform the above modification in Access you should not have any problem.
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RE: Version 5.94 Error After Update
(17-12-2016, 10:06 PM)EA3GCV Wrote: Hello Gus,
I reply in English so that everybody can understand.
I don't like that users modify by himself the Swisslog database because it's dangerous if you don't know very well what you are touching. However in this case, if you have Microsoft Access use this guideline to fix the version 6 database to be used again in both versions (if not send me your database and I will fix it here):
- Make a copy of your original database to keep a backup version.
- Open the copied DB in Access and open the VERSION table
- Change the VERSION value from 0600 to 0503
- Now open version 5.94 and go to File | Open DB and select this database
- Maybe it will take a while and you will get some messages. Reply all messages with YES
- After all messages are gone close Swisslog
- Open it again. The database version should be 0514
- Close Swisslog then open again with Access the DB. Set the VERSION field in the VERSION table to 0600 again.
- I recommend you to change the database name to a shortest name such as SWLOG_V5.MDB (original name). Version 6 won't change the name because the database version number is 0600 which is recognised by version 6 as a v6 database.
You will be able to use this database in v5 and v6. Check however in both versions that everything is working well. You will have all the digital modes I added in 5.9 and all corrections and improvements applied. Keep in mind that until you leave using version 6, every time a new Swisslog version is released you will have to change the database value to 0514 (the current one), open it with the new version then change again to 0600 to be used by version 6.
Version 6 is not ADIF 3.0.4 compliant. If you export into ADIF from version 6 you have to use a very well defined query to avoid missing something (like the QRG field) when importing again in version 5. If you perform the above modification in Access you should not have any problem.
Best 73
Many thanks, problem solved
The swisslog work fine again and solve some probles as, lotw qso uploads
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RE: Version 5.94 Error After Update
Hello Marc,
You are probably using Windows Vista and higher, you have installed Swisslog in the Program Files folder and you installed the previous version of Swisslog without disabling UAC nor installing as administrator as clearly indicated in the first screen of the installer. This causes that you are not working in C:\Program Files\Swisslog but in another system folder (VirtualStore) and the new version has not been able to update your real working files.
Please read this thread I posted in the forum where I explain all this and the solution:
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RE: Version 5.94 Error After Update
(21-12-2016, 02:22 AM)on6cc Wrote: I have the following error @ startup:
The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot find the input table or query 'INF_CWOPS'. Make sure it exists and that its name is spelled correctly.
Parameter BUREAU has no default value
I guess this table is not implemented in my database yet....
My next question is how to implement that new table. Must I send my used database?
73 Marc
PS Thanks for the new version Jordi!!
I run setup and swisslog with admin rights, uac disabled and the path is not c:\programs.. it is d:\afu\swisslog - (because of this UAC i do not use the default path). SWL worked fine until the upgrade to 5.94.
I have only the error "The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot find the input table or query 'INF_CWOPS'. Make sure it exists and that its name is spelled correctly." clublog -error is not here.
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RE: Version 5.94 Error After Update
This error is caused because your current Swisslog is not reading the current statistic file SWLSTAT.MDB. The installer replaces the SWLSTAT.MDB which MUST be located in the Swisslog program folder (in your case in D:\AFU\SWISSLOG). Maybe you have moved the SWLSTAT file to another folder and this is wrong! Check in your SWISSLV5.INI file the value of the STADB key in the Common section. it should look like this:
If it shows another folder, edit this file with a text editor and change it to the above path and delete the SWLSTAT.MDB from the previous path.
Open Swisslog and test if it works. In case is not working download the latest statistic file manually here:
To avoid future problems, the SWLCTRY must be always located in the DB folder and the SWLSTAT located in the Swisslog folder, where the program EXE is located.
Posts: 51
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Joined: Jun 2013
RE: Version 5.94 Error After Update
(22-12-2016, 06:03 PM)EA3GCV Wrote: Hello,
This error is caused because your current Swisslog is not reading the current statistic file SWLSTAT.MDB. The installer replaces the SWLSTAT.MDB which MUST be located in the Swisslog program folder (in your case in D:\AFU\SWISSLOG). Maybe you have moved the SWLSTAT file to another folder and this is wrong! Check in your SWISSLV5.INI file the value of the STADB key in the Common section. it should look like this:
If it shows another folder, edit this file with a text editor and change it to the above path and delete the SWLSTAT.MDB from the previous path.
Open Swisslog and test if it works. In case is not working download the latest statistic file manually here:
To avoid future problems, the SWLCTRY must be always located in the DB folder and the SWLSTAT located in the Swisslog folder, where the program EXE is located.
Best 73
correct. All DBs were located in .\DB\ - I like to have all DBs in one folder.
I assumed as there is an entry in the INI-file I can move it... seems not to be valid.
Works now after moving the stats-DB back to the exe-folder