Hello, I have a working swisslog config vs 5.9a but when I update to 5.9b or 'c' or the newer 'd', when I start Swisslog I see the Entry QSO, logbook, statistic overview, DX cluster windows and then it 'freeze'. CTRL+ALT+DEL, terminate application, etc.
Even with administrator rights, user right lowered, UAC, etc.
Anyone with same problem? What's my mistake?
Maybe I need to make some manual config?
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RE: Update 5.9a to 5.9x freeze
Hi Mattia,
It's really curious... I understand that you have installed Swisslog by right clicking the installer and selecting "Run as administrator". Try the following: rename the configuration file SWISSLV5.INI to SWISSLV5_OLD.INI and start Swisslog again. You will have to setup everything again (register with your callsign etc) but check if it still freezes.
If you are still in trouble please download Teamviewer Quick Support and send me the ID and password so that I can make a remote connection to your computer and check online what may happen. If you have whatsapp send me the codes to my phone number +34656409020. Otherwise send it to my mail: ea3gcv@castelldefels.net. I will be QRV until 19h.
Hi Jordi, tnx for info, just renamed the config file and Swisslog 5.9d it's starting; now the default INI file it's only 4kb and mine 20kb... :-)
In the next days I check the content of this file, I don't want to lose everything configured from 2004 till today :-(
Ok, found the problem, Hamradio Deluxe was configured to start automatically; without this 'flag' Swlog seem to work correctly.
Yeah, my colors, stats, LoTW and other configs are 'saved' :-)
But now, also starting HRD manually Swlog freeze (Options / Transceiver-Interface); maybe there is a problem 'calling' HRD.
HRD vs 5.0 build 2893
Path: C:\Programmi\Amateur Radio\Ham Radio Deluxe\HamRadioDeluxe.exe
Test with this version and let me know. Remember to install and run as administrator!!
If it still fails I would like to see on line what's happening. Please download Teamviewer QuickSupport and let me know the IP and password. You can also find me in Skype (jordiqq) but I prefer whatsapp because I'm not always at home and ready to perform the remote connections.