RE: QTH Name in QTH tab NOT to autofill
Hi Reg,
The QTH Name is automatically handled by Swisslog. I have performed many fixes on this field in last versions because it created many issues. For instance, in last version, the QTH Name from the last QSO (if any) is selected automatically. In fact, this field should be hidden because confuses user. I was tempted to do it but this field is available since the first Swisslog version and I know some users (like you) like yo handle its content.
This field is used to keep different entries in the PQTH table for the QSO partner (the different locations of the QSO Partner). That is, the same as the My QTH but for the QSO partner. Honestly, you should not pay much attention to this field and leave Swisslog assign the name automatically. Because many fields may change which requires a new entry, Swisslog usually selects the QTH locator. Most important thing is that a new entry must be created in the PQTH table if any field changes, and Swisslog does this automatically. In earlier versions this field caused many issues but now I have adapted the code to handled it automatically with no user action. No matter how many entries you may find in this field. You may have dozens of different entries for a very active POTA or SOTA activator. My suggestion is to leave Swisslog do the job and enjoy working QSOs and do not waste your time handling the content of this field.
However, I will take a look if I find a way that if user manually sets any name then it keeps that name instead of adding automatically another name. Take a look at the beta thread.
Jordi, EA3GCV
Current developer of Swisslog