RE: Slice Master + CWSkimmer
Hi Jean,
It's all very weird. If Cw Skimmer is already launched, when you press the CW button, no other instance should be launched. I have tested here and works perfectly. Which CW Skimmer version are you running? I have version 2.0. When the CW button is green and you see in the lower right part of CW Skimmer "Tln: 1 user" the communication between Swisslog and CW Skimmer is correct. So clicking on a callsign on CW Skimmer will enter such call in the QSO Entry of Swisslog and CW mode is selected.
If you have added exceptions either to Swisslog and CW Skimmer in your antivirus and firewall, review you don't have another software which may be blocking the communication (such spywares). You will have to add exceptions to Swislsog and CW Skimmer in such programs as well. But the link between Cw Skimmer and Swisslog works perfectly.
Best 73
Jordi, EA3GCV
Current developer of Swisslog