07-03-2023, 07:05 PM,
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Transfer of SWISSLOG to another PC
I would like to transfer my SWISSLOG Database to another PC using cloud tecniques. How can this be achieved in a 1:1 way?
I have presently more than 100K QSOs in the datafile which incorporates various QTH and various events/contests.
TNX for any help,
Rudy, DJ3WE
by the way: It takes hours to export the SWL-Log into an adi datafile......
07-03-2023, 09:43 PM,
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RE: Transfer of SWISSLOG to another PC
Hi Rudy,
Please read this thread where all this is explained in detail:
You don't need to export your QSOs into ADIF if you are going to use the database in Swisslog! You only have to copy the most recent database to your other computer and that's all. I suggest to copy all info by using an external drive. But if you want to do it through a cloud, simply copy the files into the cloud then restore it in your new PC from the cloud following the instructions explained in the above thread.
Best 73
Jordi, EA3GCV
Current developer of Swisslog
16-03-2023, 04:12 PM,
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RE: Transfer of SWISSLOG to another PC
Hi Jordi,
mni tnx for your swift response!! I sure do appreciate your excellent service!
Let me share my experience with you in trying to synchronize t w o computers.
1) It took me about 2 days to get it running the way I wanted it. Why did it take so long? I guesss it had to do with my uncertainty as to what you meant bysuggesting to copy the database....
2) Two days later it did not work any longer. Today I believe the reason was that I tried to save the data file rather to put it into an archive. That apparently is very dangerous.....
3) After a couple of days I tried again and much to my relief after a couple of hours I got it fully synchrnized again. Happiness!!
Now, of course, I don't dare to save the datafile any longer, which is not good.....
Any suggestions, what I can do to save the datafile in a safe way?
Many thanks, Jordi, for your help!
vy 73 de Rudy, DJ3WE
16-03-2023, 08:44 PM,
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RE: Transfer of SWISSLOG to another PC
Guten Abend Rudy
Good evening Rudy
Du schreibst "Ich möchte meine SWISSLOG Datenbank mit Hilfe von Cloud-Techniken auf einen anderen PC übertragen."
You write "I want to transfer my SWISSLOG database to another PC using cloud techniques."
Willst du den bisherigen Computer weitherhin verwenden oder wird der bisherige Coumputer durch einen neuen Computer ersetzt?
Do you want to continue using your current computer or replace it with a new one?
Oder willst deine Datenbank in die Cloud verlegen und von beiden Computer aus darauf zugreifen?
Or do you want to move your database to the cloud and access it from both computers?
Vielleicht versteh ich es dann besser und könnte ihnen vielleicht auch helfen
Maybe then I'll understand it better and maybe I can help them.
73 de HB9TZU
17-03-2023, 12:28 PM,
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RE: Transfer of SWISSLOG to another PC
Hi Christof,
vln dnk für Deine Antwort und die Bereitschaft, mich zu unterstützen.
mni tnx fer ur response and your willingness to assist.
1) Folgendes habe ich bisher erreicht:
1.1) Die Datafile (mehr als 100 K QSOs aus verschiedenen Standorten und verschiedenen Contesten)wurde erfolgreich in die OneDrive Cloud übertragen
1.2) Beide Computer (großer, alter PC und mein NB) greifen erfolgreich auf die Datafile in der Cloud zu
1.3) Damit sind beide Rechner ohne Zurhilfenahme externer Laufwerke (USB-Sticks) voll synchronisiert
1) Meanwhile the following has been successfully achieved:
1.1)The Swisslog-datafile (more than 100 K QSOs from various locations and events) has been successfully implemented in the OneDrive cloud
1.2) Both computers (big old PC and modern NB) successfully make use of the datafile in the cloud.
1.3) This way both computers are fully synchronized without the help of any external hardware like external drives resp. USB-sticks
2) Mein verbleibendes Problem:
2) My only problem remaining:
2.1) Gelegentlich würde ich gerne meine große QSO-Datei sichern
2.1) Occasionally I would like to safeguard my big data file with all the info for more than 100 K QSOs
2.2) Ich habe die Sicherung bisher immer über <Datei-->Datenbank sichern> ausgeführt
2.2) In the past I safeguarded the datafile via <file-->save>
2.3) Fragen:
2.3) Questions:
2.3.1) Welchen Dateinamen wähle ich, damit die Datei nach einer evt. Wiederherstellung in der Cloud gefunden wird?
2.3.1) Which name for the file do I use in order to assure that the file will be automaticalle found by both PCs in case the original file got lost/corrupted
2.3.2) Wo speichere ich die Datei, damit sie die Originaldatei in der Cloud möglichst problemlos ersetzen kann.
2.3.2) Where do I save the back up file in oder to make sure that it may easily substitute the original file in case something goes wrong with the original file.
Vielen Dank schon im Voraus für Deine Hilfe!
Mni tnx in advance for your help!
Rudy, DJ3WE
PS: Jordi, wie machst Du das mit den Englischen Übersetzungen? Gibt es da einen Automatismus oder machst Du das "händisch"? Ich habe das "nach alter Väter Sitte" händisch gemacht. Etwas mühsam.....
PS: Jordi, how do you bring about the English translation? Is there a way to do that automatically or do you do that manually? I did it the old fashioned way, i.e. manually. Slightly bothersome....
19-03-2023, 10:54 PM,
(This post was last modified: 19-03-2023, 10:56 PM by EA3GCV.)
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RE: Transfer of SWISSLOG to another PC
The cloud technique you have used is perfect to share the same database in 2 or more computers without the need of copy the Swisslog database from the PC having most updated QSOs into the other PC. But you still need to do often backups copies because if the database in the cloud fails or become corrupted, you will still need a backup to restore it.
You can use another folder in the Cloud and save there the backup copy using the File / Save... option. This way the backup will be accesible from all your PC. If you copy it in local, obviously this backup won't be accesible from other PC. Choose whatever method fit to you but make often backup copies.
Apart from the Swisslog database which, of course, is the most important file to be saved because it includes all your QSOs and My QTH, I also recommend to keep a copy of your whole C:\Swisslog, once Swisslog is fully configured. There are many files which should be saved as well: Swisslog configuration file (SwisslV5.ini), LoTw/eQSL configuration files (SWL_LOTw.ini and SWL_eQSL.ini from the LotW/eQSL folders), World Map configuration (Swisslog.env from the MAPS folder) , user field customizations of the Previous and New QSO tabs from the QSO Entry (all *.RPG files in the Reports folder) etc. In case of troubles or a hard disk failure, you will only need to install Swisslog from the original installer in the default folder then copy back to your hard disk the backup copy of your whole C:\Swisslog and Swisslog will be exactly as it was.
I always suggest to write in English in the forum. This way all users will be able to understand. The forum doesn't offer any automatic translation so the only way is to do it in the old fashioned way or use Google translator then copy/paste ;-)
Best 73
Jordi, EA3GCV
Current developer of Swisslog
20-03-2023, 09:05 PM,
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RE: Transfer of SWISSLOG to another PC
Good evening
I make a backup of the database (almost) every evening. The file name is date-stamped and packed into an LZH file. This LZH file is then very small.
From time to time I also make a complete backup of my Swisslog directory, as Jordi wrote.
I don't store the backup in the cloud but I have several hard disk systems at home.
73 de HB9TZU