Hidden settings for advanced users - EA3GCV - 07-12-2017
Swisslog implements some "hidden" settings for advanced users. You may find interesting to know them to solve some specific scenarios:
- You don't want to be warned anymore to update the following member lists: LoTW, eQSL, EA QRP, Lynx DX Group and URE: users may disable these warnings by disabling the associated statistic in Options / Active statistics. However, LoTW, eQSL, EA QRP, Lynx DX Group and URE don't have any associated statistic, so this solution is not valid. To avoid the warning to update these information tables you have to perform the following steps:
- Search in the Swisslog folder if file InactiveStatistics.txt exists (This file exists when you have disabled any statistic). It contains a list of all statistic ID belonging to the disabled statistic. If this file exists simply edit it with a text editor. Otherwise create a new one.
- Add a line with any of these names (belonging to the information table you want to disable): LOTW, EQSL, EAQRP, LYNX or URE. This file may look like this (numbers are the ID of the disabled statistics, if any):
- The following scenarios require to edit the SWISSLV5.INI configuration file (located in the Swisslog folder) with a text Editor and add a key in the COMMON section (then Save file):
- Socket Error messages: these error messages are disabled by default because under poor internet connections, these messages are difficulting regular logging operations. However, if you want to display these messages add this key:
- Automatic Quick Info refreshing: Since version 5.99e Swisslog refreshes all Quick Info windows automatically after saving a QSO. This is necessary to reflect the new statistic status. However, in old computers this function may cause that saving a QSO takes a lot of time if you have many Quick Info windows. Add this key if you want to disable automatic Quick Info refreshing:
- Avoid the coordinates message dialog: The first time you enter a QSO during a Swisslog session and the QTH locator mismatch with coordinates, a dialog prompts user to select whether to adjust coordinates or QTH locator. If you want to avoid this dialog and set a default action for all cases, add one of the following keys:
COORDAjustOption=1 (adjust QTH locator)
COORDAjustOption=2 (adjust coordinates, it's the option most used)
- DX window refreshing: Since version 5.99 a fix was applied to the DX window to avoid Swisslog freezing in a high traffic scenario. Some users with old processors have experienced strange issues after this fix like blinking windows/buttons. Add this key if you want to disable this fix:
VERY IMPORTANT: Disabling this fix will cause Swisslog freezing in a high spot traffic scenario. This can be worse than the blinking issue! Keep this in mind before applying this modification.