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QSO comments on imported ADIF file - Printable Version

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QSO comments on imported ADIF file - ec3als - 10-11-2024

Hi all,

I was trying to import an ADIF file to be able to sync it through eqsl service. However, I found out an issue: As eqsl text is very limited, I would like to import a QSO comment for DME, POTA and FF references. When importing the ADIF file, I see comment has been imported correctly, but "QSL-Message" text is added before my comments, as an example:

QSL-Message = QTH: Collbato DME08169 EAFF1045 POTA:ES0140/ES0296

How can I prevent to adding 'QSL-Message =' text to the comments field?

Thank you!


RE: QSO comments on imported ADIF file - EA3GCV - 11-11-2024

Hi Julio,

This is internally defined. Because there is no equivalent field in Swisslog for the QSLMSG ADIF field, all contents from the QSLMSG or QSLMSG_INTL ADIF fields go to the comments field with this tag to indicate user that this comment comes from the QSL Message field. You don't need to worry about this.

Swisslog implements fields for every of these awards. So if you really want to have your logbook in mint conditions, now you have to edit every QSO where you have set these references in Comments and set them to the appropiated field. It's a huge work but it's the only way to do it. eQSL lacks of many fields.

It's also very important to write the reference properly!! double click in the Diploma fields to see the full list of references for every award (the Diploma field label changes indicating the award). For instance, EAFF1045 must be wrtiten as it's the original reference: EAFF-1045.POTa ES0140 is ES-0140. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT, otherwise when creating statistic reports the reference won't include the description. If a QSO is valid for 2 POTA references, you need to create another QSO with a slight time difference (1 minute) and set other POTA reference.


RE: QSO comments on imported ADIF file - ec3als - 11-11-2024

Hi Jordi,

Thank you very much for answer. I'm not worried about my log, I just wanted to import the ADIF file from my Portable activity, then sync with eQSL so all eQSLs sent have the information from the activity and, as eQSL lacks of characters if I use this comments, I need to delete this information.

To solve it, I did a massive QSO comments replacement, as all the eQSLs sent contains te same information and that solved the issue, so for next times I don't care about this text when importing the ADIF file.

