CW Programs / Interfaces

SWISSLOG links with the following CW programs: CwType, CWGet and CW Skimmer. CwType sends CW; CwGet and CW Skimmer decode CW. Also supports the K1EL WinKeyer interface.

CWType is FREE but CW Get, CW Skimmer and MRP40 need registration.

Setup the CW interfaces

To set up the CW interfaces select the menu item Options | CW-Interface and then the program/interface you will be using:

In the next dialog you have to specify the directory in which CwType.Exe / CwGet.Exe / CWSkimmer.Exe / MRP40vxx.exe are located. 

If you select K1EL WinKeyer continue reading HERE.

NOTE: If you have not configured any CW decoder, the first time you press the button (located at the bottom of the Add QSO window) Swisslog will prompt you to select the program you will be using to decode CW.


Current versions of CWType / CWGet don't install the configuration INI file in the program folder (as in first versions) but in the following locations:

Swisslog will automatically use the default INI files located in the above folders. If not found will search in the program folder of these programs (for compatibility with older versions).

Activating the CW Interfaces

By pressing the button (Ctrl+Alt+C or AltGr+C) in the Edit-QSO window, the following interfaces will start automatically:

When CW Type is launched a special toolbar is displayed in the QSO-Edit Window to trigger CW Type macros. This toolbar is only visible while CW Type is running and hides automatically when CW Type is closed. It contains:


 With Macros you can define the texts and the SWISSLOG fields which should be transmitted by pressing one of the macro buttons. 

SWISSLOG stores the following fields for the use as  ~[iField] or `[iField] in Macros: (see CwType Help)

Call: callsign of partner station (callsign of the QSO window)
Name: name of the operator  (Operator of the QSO window)
RSTS: RST sent (RSTS im QSO window)
RSTSNR: RST_Nr sent  (RSTSNr of the QSO window)
RSTR: RST received (RSTR of the QSO window)
RSTRNR: RST_Nr received (RSTRNr of the QSO window)
MySerial: Call sign of the SWISSLOG license owner
MyCall: Call sign used at current QTH
MyName: Name used at current QTH
MyQTH: QTH used at current QTH
MyQTHLocator: QTH-Locator of the current QTH
MyRig: Rig used at current QTH
MyAntenna: Antenna used at current QTH
MyPower: Power used at current QTH

This is an example I used for tests:


Macro1="~[tx] cq cq de ~[iMyCall] ~[iMyCall] ~[iMyCall] cq cq de ~[iMyCall] ~[iMyCall] ~[iMyCall] ~[m11] "
Macro2="~[iCall] de ~[iMyCall]"
Macro3="~[m2] = ga dr om ~[iName] = tnx fr ur call = ur rst is ~[iRSTS] ~[iRSTS] ~[iRSTS] = "
Macro4="MY NAME IS ~[iMyName] ~[iMyName] ~[iMyName] = MY QTH IS ~[iMyQTH] ~[iMyQTH] ~[iMyQTH] = HW? "
Macro5="MY Conds are = Rig is ~[iMyRig] pwr is ~[imyPower] Ant is ~[iMyAntenna] = 

Macro6="~[tx] cq cq de HB9BJS HB9BJS HB9BJS cq cq de HB9BJS HB9BJS HB9BJS ~[m11] "
Macro7="~[ec] de HB9BJS"
Macro8="~[M7] = ga dr ~[en] = tnx fr ur call = ur rst is ~[esr] ~[esr] ~[er] = "
Macro9="MY NAME IS Walter Walter Walter = MY QTH IS Walenstadt Walenstadt Walenstadt = HW? "

Macro11=" pse k`[rx]"
Macro12="~[iCall] TU ~[lgs]"

Info-File "Info_BJS.txt", used in Macro10 :

~[M7] =
My pwr is 50 wts =
My ant is dipole =
`[ec] de Walter (


Working with CW Get

You can copy data directly from CwGet into the QSO window of SWISSLOG. To do this mark the text you want to copy in CwGet and then click to select into which field the marked text should be copied.

All logging actions (Save or Cancel QSO) must be done in Swisslog!


Working with CW Skimmer

Swisslog connects to CW Skimmer via internal Telnet connection. User will know that it's correctly connected to CW Skimmer when the button will become green: At the right bottom part of CW Skimmer you will also see the following message: Tln: 1 user. This indicates that one user (Swisslog) is connected via Telnet to CW Skimmer. If this don't happen, check that your antivirus/firewall is not blocking outgoing/incoming connections of Swisslog and/or CW Skimmer.

Swisslog will automatically activate the Telnet server of CW Skimmer in case it's not already activated by user (by default it's not activated). In case Swisslog can't activate it, it will display a message prompting user to do it manually.

You can copy data directly from CWSkimmer into the QSO window of SWISSLOG in two ways:

All logging actions (Save or Cancel QSO) must be done in Swisslog!

Working with MRP40

MRP40 doesn't send any info to external programs. When the link to MRP40 is activated, Swisslog is reading the Minilogbook.adif file from MRP40 every 10 seconds approximately, to check if there is a new QSO added. In such case it will read the QSO details and pass them to the QSO Entry window then saves the QSO.

Press the to activate the link to MRP40. If MRP40 is not running, it will start automatically. The button will become green to show Swisslog is monitoring MRP40 activity: . Press the CW button if you need to deactivate the link (monitoring). Closing MRP40 will deactivate the link automatically and button will become red again.

In MRP40 go to Options > Show > Mini Log Book... to see the small Mini Log Book window:

Select with your mouse the decoded callsign in the lower part and automatically will be entered in the Call field. MRP40 doesn't have transceiver control, only a Band field. Before saving the QSO you need to know this:

When QSO is finished simply press the Save button in MRP40 and QSO will be automatically saved in Swisslog in about 10-15 seconds. IMPORTANT: If you are editing a QSO in Swisslog or Swisslog is logging another QSO sent by another program (i.e. WSJT-X, JTDX, FLDIGI, VarAC, etc), the QSO will be queued to be saved automatically after Swisslog finishes editing/saving. Pending Log requests number is displayed in the Swisslog main window title:

Copyright © 2004 SWISSLOG
Last modified: 19 ene. 2024